Man On The Moon

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"And That's The Truth, Ruth!"

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The Web 2.0 Revoloution

This article describing the direction the “blogosphere” is heading is an incredibly interesting read. It discusses the dynamic growth blogs are experiencing and what factors contribute to it’s growth. The article cites that 1.4 new blogs are made every second. This is an astounding number and something I never really thought of before seeing this article. It is especially interesting to see the different parts of the world that have incorporated blogs as an important piece of their every day life. In the article there is a mention of the amount of blogs that are written in particular languages. What was really surprising was that Japanese was the #1 blogging language coming in at 37% of all blogs – followed by English at 33%. The whole Web 2.0 movement and the idea that the online world is becoming a place of community for collaboration and creativity is a very humbling one. To know that I am a part of this massive but yet close community is pretty mind blowing. Above just the written blogs, the idea of tags and tagging really brings everything closer together. Instead of having to type out your thoughts, you click on pictures, words, links, and more “tags” are presented to you. This really connects everything in an extremely fast and efficient way. To think that the computer learns all of my thoughts and interests to much, it knows which new ideas and interests to present to me. The Internet is expanding so rapidly every day, but because of all of these Web 2.0 technologies it is really bringing everything closer to home.


Amaury Martin B. said...

Big Revolution of the world wide web :)


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